Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

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Icon Name Stats How to obtain
Bronze Shield Bronze Shield DEF+36, SPR+10 Shop: Royal Capital Grandshelt
Recipe: Royal Capital Grandshelt
Chest: Fulan Pass - Exploration
Azure Aegis Azure Aegis DEF+38, SPR+175 Reward: (Event) Fundamental Forces: Orphan Arc
Grimoire Shield Grimoire Shield DEF+47, SPR+132 Reward: (Quest) Gathering Spare Parts
Iron Shield Iron Shield DEF+48, SPR+15 Shop: Village of Kol, Grandport
Recipe: Village of Kol, Grandport
Chest: Grandport
Aegis Shield (FFIV) Aegis Shield DEF+60, SPR+150
Resistance: Sleep (Null), Paralyze (Null), Petrify (Null)
Reward: (Event) Passage to the Feymarch
Large Shield Large Shield DEF+62, SPR+20 Shop: Felicitas Town, Raven's Hideaway, Downtown Zoldaad, Underworld Gaberada
Recipe: Windy Heights West - Exploration
Chest: Lost Village of Marlo
Shield Connector Shield Connector DEF+64, SPR+156 TMR: Shatal
Armor Plate Armor Plate DEF+70, SPR+55, HP +15% Reward: (Event) Save Your Elf, (Event) Save Your Elf (Update)
Heavy Shield (FFVI) Heavy Shield DEF+72, SPR+39
Effect: Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Increase physical evasion (5%)
Chest: (Event) Figaro Castle - Exploration
Pridwen Pridwen DEF+75, SPR+160
Resistance: Fire (+25%), Lightning (+25%), Dark (+25%)
TMR: Lucas
Mythril Shield Mythril Shield DEF+85, SPR+25 Shop: Underworld Gaberada
Recipe: (Quest) Timeless Memories
Chest: Dwarves' Forge - Exploration, Lake Dorr - Exploration
Reward: (Earth Key) Felicitas Town, (Event) Lunar New Year
Purchase: Premium Bundle
Ice Shield Ice Shield DEF+86, SPR+25
Resistance: Ice (+50%), Fire (-50%)
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Mysidia Underground - Exploration
Chest: Zoldaad Castle Grounds - Exploration, (Event) The Dreadnought
Reward: (Quest) Community Service
Cerulean Shield Cerulean Shield DEF+86, SPR+33
Resistance: Lightning (-50%), Water (+50%)
Chest: Kappa Village
Flame Shield Flame Shield DEF+86, SPR+33
Resistance: Fire (+50%), Ice (-50%)
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Societal Ruins - Exploration
Chest: Surging Volcano - Exploration, Town of Kolts, (Event) Shadow of the Empire
Thunder Shield Thunder Shield DEF+86, SPR+33
Resistance: Lightning (+50%), Water (-50%)
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Timber Tracks - Exploration
Reward: (Quest) Double Trouble
Golden Shield Golden Shield DEF+88, SPR+25 Recipe: (Silver Chest) Duggle Village
Chest: Raven's Hideaway, Sorcerer's Hideaway
Reward: (Colosseum) Intermediate B-3
Purchase: Premium Bundle
Hero's Shield (FFXV) Hero's Shield HP+25, DEF+90, SPR+30, HP +10% Chest: (Event) Altissia, City on the Sea - Exploration
Reward: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Leviathan
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Leviathan
Diamond Shield (FFIV) Diamond Shield DEF+90, SPR+55
Resistance: Lightning (+10%)
Reward: (Event) The Tower of Zot, (Event) Tower of Zot, (Event) Chronicle Battle: Scarmiglione
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Scarmiglione


Seraphim Shield Seraphim Shield DEF+102, SPR+30 Recipe: (Silver Chest) Luzell Colony
Power Shield Power Shield ATK+20, DEF+102, SPR+41 Reward: (Event) The Frozen Cavern
Aegis Shield (FFXII) Aegis Shield DEF+102, MAG+44, SPR+67
Resistance: All elements (+10%)
Recipe: (Event) Sochen Cave Palace
Knight's Shield (KH) Knight's Shield DEF+105, SPR+50 Recipe: (Event) Heartless: Guard Armor
Shield of Grandshelt Shield of Grandshelt DEF+106, SPR+30
Effect: Auto-ProtectAuto-Protect
Auto-buff DEF (100%)
Mitigate physical damage taken (30%) for 99999 turns to caster
, Auto-RegenAuto-Regen
Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) per turn
Chest: (Event) Latius Woods - Past
Patriot Patriot DEF+107, SPR+45
Ability: Cleansing LightCleansing Light
Cleansing LightCleansing Light
Cure poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralyze, and confuse to all allies

Exclusive: Charlotte, Sacred Shield Charlotte
Reward: (Quest) A Knight of Grandshelt
Force Shield Force Shield DEF+110, SPR+43
Resistance: Fire (+10%), Ice (+10%), Lightning (+10%)
Star Quartz: Town of Amore
Demon Shield Demon Shield DEF+113, SPR+35
Resistance: Dark (+50%)
Effect: Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Increase physical evasion (5%)
Reward: (Black Key) Sky Cave - Exploration
Big Boss Shield Big Boss Shield DEF+115, SPR+35
Effect: Auto-ShellAuto-Shell
Auto-buff SPR (100%)
Mitigate magic damage taken (30%) for 99999 turns to caster
Reward: (Event) Monster Carnival, (Event) Estark's Challenge
Diamond Shield (FFBE) Diamond Shield DEF+118, SPR+35 Shop: Special Forces Training Grounds
Recipe: (Silver Chest) River of Fire - Exploration
Honor of Grandshelt Honor of Grandshelt DEF+118, SPR+218, HP +20%, SPR +20%
Resistance: Ice (+50%), Light (+50%)
STMR: Sacred Shield Charlotte
Flame Shield (FFIV) Flame Shield DEF+124, SPR+76
Resistance: Fire (+60%), Ice (-30%)
Reward: (Event) Mount Ordeals
Hero's Shield Hero's Shield DEF+128, SPR+40
Resistance: All elements (+20%)
Reward: (Trial) The Octopus and the Teacher
Sacred Castle's Shield Sacred Castle's Shield DEF+128, SPR+88
Resistance: Ice (+15%), Light (+15%)
Reward: (Event) Genesis of Chaos -DARK VISIONS-
Aegis Shield (FFI) Aegis Shield DEF+128, SPR+88
Resistance: Dark (+30%), Poison (Null), Petrify (Null)
Chest: (Event) Flying Fortress - Exploration
Reward: (Event) Mirage Tower
Shield of Grandshelt+ Shield of Grandshelt+ DEF+131, SPR+84
Resistance: Earth (+20%), Dark (+20%)
Effect: Auto-ProtectAuto-Protect
Auto-buff DEF (100%)
Mitigate physical damage taken (30%) for 99999 turns to caster
, Auto-RegenAuto-Regen
Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) per turn
Recipe: (Event) Unbound Offensive
Aegis Shield Aegis Shield DEF+133, SPR+65
Resistance: Petrify (Null)
Reward: (Event) The Son of Medici
TMR: Leo
Hero's Shield (FFXV)+3 Hero's Shield+3 HP+100, DEF+135, SPR+62, HP +20%
Effect: Last Shield of LucisLast Shield of Lucis
Last Shield of LucisLast Shield of Lucis
Increase ATK (40%)
Exclusive: FFXV units
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Leviathan
Genji Shield Genji Shield DEF+140, SPR+70
Resistance: Death (Null)
Effect: Null DeathNull Death
Null DeathNull Death
Nullify instant KOs
Star Quartz: Duggle Village
Night Lotus Night Lotus ATK+50, DEF+140, MAG+50, SPR+95
Effect: Battle Expertise: Strength & MagicBattle Expertise: Strength & Magic
Battle Expertise: Strength & MagicBattle Expertise: Strength & Magic
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when single wielding any weapon with or without shield
Increase equipment MAG (50%) when single wielding any weapon with or without shield
TMR: Savior of Souls Lightning
Impervious Shield Impervious Shield DEF+140, SPR+95
Resistance: All elements (+20%)
Reward: (Trial) The Torturous Trio
Malboro Shield Malboro Shield DEF+149, SPR+76
Resistance: Fire (-50%), Water (+50%), All status ailments (Null)
Reward: (Trial) Venomous Vines of Death - ELT
Zodiac Escutcheon Zodiac Escutcheon DEF+150, SPR+115
Resistance: Lightning (+50%)
Effect: Decoy PoseDecoy Pose
Decoy PoseDecoy Pose
Increase physical evasion (10%)
TMR: Basch
Cursed Shield (FFVI) Cursed Shield DEF+150, SPR+40
Resistance: Fire (-20%), Ice (-20%), Lightning (-20%)
Effect: Accursed FateAccursed Fate
Accursed FateAccursed Fate
Increase physical evasion (20%)
Increase magic evasion (20%)
Use Accursed Fate at the start of a battle
Reward: (Event) Narshe - Exploration
Shield of the Empire Shield of the Empire DEF+155, SPR+110 TMR: Wilhelm
Diamond Shield (FFIV)+3 Diamond Shield+3 DEF+156, SPR+80
Resistance: Lightning (+10%), Petrify (Null)
Effect: Baron's ProtectionBaron's Protection
Baron's ProtectionBaron's Protection
Increase resistance to charm (100%)
Exclusive: FFIV units
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Scarmiglione
Ziedrich Ziedrich DEF+160, SPR+80, HP +15%
Effect: Ziedrich (Ability)Ziedrich (Ability)
Ziedrich (Ability)Ziedrich
Chance to counter physical attacks (30%) with ZiedrichZiedrich
Increase ATK (100%) for 1 turn to caster
TMR: Gladiolus
Sacred Castle's Shield+ Sacred Castle's Shield+ DEF+164, SPR+119
Resistance: Ice (+30%), Light (+30%)
Effect: Harmony with the Sacred Castle+Harmony with the Sacred Castle+
Harmony with the Sacred Castle+Harmony with the Sacred Castle+
Increase Alexander's bonus stats (30%)
(Hallowed Aegis Charlotte only)
Recipe: (Event) Rampaging Alexander
Attractive Shield Attractive Shield DEF+185, SPR+50, HP +30%
Resistance: Earth (+80%)
STMR: Sieghard
Reverie Shield (FFT) Reverie Shield DEF+192, SPR+134, DEF +20%, SPR +20% STMR: Mercenary Ramza
Runda's Shield Runda's Shield DEF+200, SPR+80
Effect: A Shield to Protect EveryoneA Shield to Protect Everyone
A Shield to Protect EveryoneA Shield to Protect Everyone
Increase physical evasion (20%)
Increase chance of being targeted (20%)
, Runda Start BarrierRunda Start Barrier
Runda Start BarrierRunda Start Barrier
Auto-cast Runda Start Barrier at the start of a battle
Exclusive: Physical Tanks
STMR: Runda
Shield of Light Shield of Light DEF+208, SPR+102
Resistance: Water (+30%), Wind (+30%), Earth (+30%), Dark (+30%)
Effect: Sentinel (Shield of Light)Sentinel (Shield of Light)
Sentinel (Shield of Light)Sentinel (Shield of Light)
Auto-cast Sentinel at the start of battle
STMR: Awakened Warrior of Light

Equippable By[]

See Also[]
