Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Capital of Despair Hellstya
Capital of Despair Hellstya
World Paladia
Region Crystallis

Home of the Elmaul Archives, where all documents and books related to magic in Paladia are kept. With the luxurious buildings that line its streets, it was once thought to be the city of the future, however since then it has fallen into decline and is home to few residents.


Map of Capital of Despair Hellstya

Treasure Chests
1 Icon-Platina ArmorPlatina Armor
2 Icon-Phoenix DownPhoenix Down
3 Icon-RemedyRemedy
4 Icon-Elemental TearElemental Tear
5 Icon-Mythril OreMythril Ore
6 Icon-Bone StaffBone Staff
7 Icon-Dark MegacrystDark Megacryst
8 Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz
9 Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz
Silver Chests (requires Magic Key to open)
1 Icon-Platinum ShieldPlatinum Shield - recipe


Quest Map of Capital of Despair Hellstya

No. Quest name Reward
1 World Savers Icon-Cross HelmCross Helm
2 Rival Products Icon-Feral HornFeral Horn
3 First Errand Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz (4)
4 The True Treasure Icon-Wind BucklerWind Buckler
5 Let's Get Outta Here! Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz (8)

World Savers[]

No. Reward
1 Icon-Cross HelmCross Helm
Start Quest
Receive the quest from #1 on the quest map.
Objective 1: Defeat 3 balors
See Balor.

Rival Products[]

No. Reward
2 Icon-Feral HornFeral Horn
Start Quest
Receive the quest from #2 on the quest map.
Objective 1: Collect red, white, and blue fangs
Give the client Red Fang (15), White Fang (15), and Blue Fang (15) which can be purchased from Ilteah Town.

First Errand[]

No. Reward
3 Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz (4)
Start Quest
Receive the quest from #3 on the quest map.
Objective 1: Find the lost wallet
First talk to the Innkeep.
Then talk to the woman that appears in the Tool Shop.
Return to the client.

The True Treasure[]

No. Reward
4 Icon-Wind BucklerWind Buckler
Clear The Late-Returning Adventurer quest.
Start Quest
Receive the quest from #4 on the quest map.
Objective 1: Chase after the adventurer
Go to Nirvana Woods - Exploration. Speak to the girl in the following location:

Quest marker for The True Treasure

Objective 2: Move to the place with the treasure
Go right of the first collection point, which will lead to a maze. The eastward path will lead to a battle against Ouro.

Quest marker for The True Treasure

Objective 3: Speak with the adventurer
Return to the quest starter.

Let's Get Outta Here![]

No. Reward
5 Icon-Star QuartzStar Quartz (8)
Clear Ancient Ruins Level 1 and obtain the Sectored Circle - Blue.
Start Quest
Receive the quest from #5 on the quest map.
Objective 1: Get rid of the three soldiers
Talk to the soldiers in the following locations:

Quest marker for Let's Get Outta Here!

  • Faint of Heart/Timid Soldier: Choose the Speak option.
  • Stubborn/Bossy Soldier: Choose the Fight option.
  • Retrieve a branch from Nirvana Woods - Exploration for the Greedy Soldier in the following location (just along the main path):

Quest marker for Let's Get Outta Here!

  • Greedy Soldier: Choose the Hand over an item option.

Return to the quest starter.


Item Shop
Name Effect Price
X-Potion Restore HP (1000) to one ally Gil2,000
Turbo Ether Restore MP (70) to one ally Gil2,000
Antidote Cure poison to one ally Gil100
Smelling Salts Cure sleep and confuse to one ally Gil200
Echo Herbs Cure silence to one ally Gil200
Bacchus's Wine Inflict berserk (ATK +50%, auto-attack only) to caster Gil500
Protect Drink Increase DEF (20%) for 3 turns to caster Gil1,000
Shell Drink Increase SPR (20%) for 3 turns to caster Gil1,000
Hyper Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns to one ally Gil1,000
Accessory Shop
Name Type Description Price
Fairy Ring Accessory DEF+3
Resistance: Poison (Null), Blind (Null)
Regen Ring Accessory HP+80
Effect: Emergency RegenEmergency Regen
Emergency RegenEmergency Regen
Restore HP (30) per turn when HP drops below 10%
Frost Ring Accessory DEF+4
Resistance: Ice (+10%)
Clay Ring Accessory DEF+4
Resistance: Earth (+10%)
Moon Bracer Accessory Effect: Auto-ShellAuto-Shell
Auto-buff SPR (100%)
Mitigate magic damage taken (30%) for 99999 turns to caster
Wall Ring Accessory DEF+1
Effect: Emergency ProtectEmergency Protect
Emergency ProtectEmergency Protect
Increase DEF (30%) when HP drops below 10%
, Emergency ShellEmergency Shell
Emergency ShellEmergency Shell
Increase SPR (30%) when HP drops below 10%