Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Movement Frames Hits Multicast Difficulty
None 70-7-5-7-7-7-7 7 N/A
Source Ability Damage Element Target Notes
Akstar Blazing Heat - Ash Physical Fire AoE from 6-star★
Mirror of Equity - Emptiness Physical ST from 7-star★
Polar Vortex - Frost Physical Ice AoE
Aurora Fryevia Flash - Furious Radiance Hybrid Light ST from 7-star★
Awakened Warrior of Light Guardian's Wall of Light Physical AoE
Sacred Wave Physical Light AoE from 6-star★
Bai Hu & Zhu Que Blood Phoenix - Defensive Stance Physical attack with magic damage ST from 6-star★
Special Arts - Ferocious Tiger Strike Physical ST from 7-star★
Special Arts - Swift Phoenix Strike Physical ST from 7-star★
White Tiger - Shattering Fist Physical ST from 6-star★
Belgemine Ifrit's Power Magic Fire AoE
Ixion's Power Magic Lightning AoE
Shiva's Power Magic Ice AoE
Cloud (KH) Continuum Cut Physical AoE from 7-star★
Sonic Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Crimson Cleansing Blade Physical AoE
Combustion Blade Physical ST
Exorcism Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Fire Riser Physical ST from 6-star★
Heatwave Formation Strike Physical AoE from 7-star★
Slayer's Flame Blade Physical Fire ST from 6-star★
Divine Beast Chow Divine Doggy Magic Light AoE
Loyal Protector Magic Light AoE
Dracu Lasswell Crescent Blade Physical ST from 7-star★
Dragon Knight Freya Rain Dragon's Vault Physical ST from 6-star★
Eldryn Siphon Flick Hybrid AoE
Emperor Shera Flughöhe Physical ST from 7-star★
Estark Lordly Thrust Physical ST from 6-star★
Esther Static Barrage Physical AoE from 6-star★
Full Moon Karten Bloodlust Control Physical AoE
Godrea Charge - Plasma Laser Physical AoE
Great Dragon Flaming Fang Physical Fire ST from 5-star★
Scorch (DQXI S) Physical Fire AoE from 6-star★
Hess King Lasswell Sword of Polaris Physical AoE from 6-star★
Sword of the Rising Sun Physical AoE from 6-star★
Hyoh Flame Blade Physical ST
Phantom Blade Physical AoE from 7-star★
Servant of the Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Voltage Blade Physical ST
Ignacio Ardent Conflagration Physical Fire AoE Limit Burst
Immortal Flame Katy Jackpot Magic AoE from 7-star★
Jade Multifeet Physical ST from 6-star★
Jecht Jecht Rush Physical ST from 6-star★
Juraga of the Nu Star Beast King Fangs Physical ST from 6-star★
Kaktiria This time, I'll protect them! Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Karten Primal Reflexes Physical ST from 6-star★
King Bradley Punishing Insubordination Physical ST from 6-star★
Levinson Bag O' Toys - Toy Soldier Physical AoE
Lilith Dream Melding Magic AoE from 7-star★
Energy Melding Magic AoE from 6-star★
Vitality Melding Magic AoE from 6-star★
Livid Shantotto Final Exam Magic Light ST from 6-star★
Lucas Damage Miscalculation Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Defense Miscalculation Physical attack with magic damage ST from 6-star★
Spirit Miscalculation Physical attack with magic damage ST from 6-star★
Lucius Chaotic Bloodlust Physical AoE from NV
Curse of Dawn Physical Fire AoE from 7-star★
Curse of Dusk Physical Dark AoE from 7-star★
Demonic Barrage Physical ST from 6-star★
Manifestation of Shadows Physical AoE from 7-star★
Severing Slash Physical ST from 7-star★
Umbral Slash Physical AoE from 7-star★
Magna Sacred Flux Magic Light AoE from 5-star★
Malphasie Flying Strike Hybrid Wind AoE
Menacing Strike Hybrid Dark AoE
Vengeful Sky Hybrid AoE from 6-star★
Mario Frigo Rebel drop - Dionysus PLDS-H Physical ST from 6-star★
Nagi Brilliance Hybrid Light ST from 6-star★
Dark Spirits Hybrid Dark ST from 6-star★
Orlandeau Divine Ruination Physical ST from 6-star★
Pyro Glacial Lasswell Winter's Oblivion Physical ST from 7-star★
Qin Rushing River Flow Magic AoE from 6-star★
Raegen Azure Flame Edge Physical ST from 7-star★
Blades of Azure Crimson Physical ST from 6-star★
Reberta Raging Thrust Physical AoE
Spiral Thrust Physical ST from 7-star★
Sephiroth The Heavens Wept Physical ST from 6-star★
Sephiroth (KH) Consuming Light Physical Light ST from 6-star★
Dark Blessing Physical AoE from 7-star★
Descent into Darkness Physical Dark ST from 6-star★
Engulfing Duality Physical ST from 7-star★
Sora Sonic Blade Physical ST from 6-star★
Star Guard Star Guard Physical ST Equipment
Starlight Elena Refraction Hybrid AoE
Sweet Luka Light Whip Magic Light AoE
Sword Saint Orlandeau Divine Ruination Physical ST
Tifa Final Heaven Physical ST from 6-star★
Sonic Combo Physical ST from 7-star★
Veritas of the Dark Dark Punishment Physical ST from 6-star★
Veronica Kaboom Magic Light AoE from 6-star★
Kaboomle Magic Light AoE from 7-star★
Wild Rose Firion Spinning Axe Physical AoE from 6-star★
Zack Air Strike (FFVII) Physical AoE from 6-star★
Zeno of the Beta Star Blazing Heat - Ash Physical Fire AoE from 6-star★