Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

Kingdom Key (KH)

A type of sword from another world known as a keyblade. Rumor has it that it appeared before a young and lively boy from the Destiny Islands as if from thin air to aid him in his time of need. An extremely curious weapon, changing the keychain attached to its hilt causes the entire blade to transform into a completely different version of itself.


  • Type: Weapon (Sword)
  • Stats: ATK+160
  • Element: -
  • Resistance: -
  • Additional effect: Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
    Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
    Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
    Recover MP (5%) per turn
    Increase resistance to all elements (10%)

Crafting recipe


How to obtain

Trust Master Reward

Equippable By
